
What Makes a Photo Interesting?

What makes a photo interesting? Good question. Probably not showing the most beautiful places in the world, but something unusual in your own environment while others think they have seen everything. For the last few weeks, rain has been the protagonist here in Spain. Flowers and grass have appeared in the strangest places. If real estate speculation continues at the current rate, they may be the only nature left in our city one day. Until they are cut down by some merciless city worker. Grass on the sidewalk, Torremolinos (Spain), after days of rain Flowers coming out of a wall, Torremolinos (Spain), after days of rain  #Torremolinos #Spain #Andalusia #Andalucía #rain #flower #grass

Green Andalusia. Jimena de la Frontera

The adventure begins close to home, if you are willing to walk and open your eyes. Right now, southern Andalusia is as green as I have not seen it in 20 years, unknown plants sprouting everywhere, maybe it is just weeds, but I love it. Of course, these storms are a challenge for our poorly isolated houses, but at least we will have water next summer and maybe the next after that. Tourists keep coming here to have fun (understandable) without thinking about the consequences of the tourism industry for our environment and for us. So let's enjoy the green fields and weeds now, before the sun turns everything yellow again.  And tourists are allowed to splash around in their hotel pools while we are not allowed to water our plants. #JimenaDeLaFrontera #Cádiz #Andalusia #rain Fields in Jimena de la Frontera (province of Cádiz, Andalusia, Spain) The river Hozgarganta in Jimena de la Frontera (province of Cádiz, Andalusia, Spain)

"All concrete". Really? (2) - Casa Montañez

When the weather is bad (which is not often here, but it has been quite a bit the last few weeks), you just walk around your own town, which is not very sexy. But even cities without charm have some hidden gems. When you are in Torremolinos, look for the Calle Tirreno, Bajondillo. There is a special house waiting for you, the Casa Montañez. The artist Antonio Montañez lives in this house with his family. And, little by little, he transforms the building into something unique! The casa Montañez from the street (I wish I could get in there some day!) The front door If you google a bit, you will find some more material about the house. It has an own Facebook page , and I found a short documentary film on YouTube . Enjoy!

Snails on a rock

I can neither leave this world nor ignore everything that is not right, but I can try to focus on the beautiful little things in life, in nature. Two dead snails on a rock, surrounded by some (kind of) clover, near the river Guadalhorce. One bigger, one smaller, together for eternity. Until another flood or a human foot separates them. Snails on a rock (Málaga, Andalusia, Spain)                                                 #snails #rock #stone #Málaga #Andalusia                            

Mijas Pueblo, once again and still so beautiful

Mijas Pueblo is one of the reasons we have been living at the Costa del Sol for almost 20 years.  We don't exactly live there, but we are close enough to visit several times a year. From the Parque La Muralla you can see quite far, even Africa on a clear day.  This time the sky was not clear enough, so Africa and Morocco remained hidden. But my attention was drawn to the little gorge there and the pools next to it. You could see water ( that has not happened for a long time) !  Parque La Muralla, Mijas Pueblo (province of Málaga, Spain) #Mijas #MijasPueblo #Málaga 

"All concrete". Really?

If you look for the sun and think that everything else is concrete, open your eyes and you'll discover Andalusia where you thought it had disappeared. Avenida de las Palmeras, Benalmádena Costa (province of Málaga, Spain) #Benalmádena #CostaDelSol #Málaga #Andalusia

Calle Pan Triste Torremolinos

Some beautiful places are fleeting. One of them is this green abandoned lot on Calle Pan Triste in Torremolinos. I suppose it will disappear one day to make way for a huge ugly building - nothing unusual here. As long as it is there, I enjoy the view every time I pass by. I dedicate this picture to the memory of Dr. Mustafa Elmasri, psychiatrist in Gaza (@Gaza_Psych), who sadly passed away yesterday. #PanTriste #Torremolinos #Málaga #Gaza