
Showing posts from April, 2020

What kind of society do we want?

When the lock-down is over, we will still be under shock for weeks. We will not get our old life back; social distancing is here to stay for a while.  But was our old life "normal"? With so much destructive consumerism and environmental destruction?  I hope we will not lose what we have won during those difficult days. Creativity, solidarity.  I hope urban planners will design greener cities. I hope better housing concepts will be developed for the elderly and more money be spent on health care, education and research. I hope governments will anticipate instead of panicking again. The kind of town I do not want

Silent storm

It is a long time I haven't posted... I would like to get rid of the chaos in my heart and heart. I am never sure about the right words to use but at the moment, even less.  After corona, nothing will be as before for many of us, but it may be the chance for a new beginning. At the moment, my feelings are not fear or panic, but rather anger and hope. Silent storm