
Showing posts from January, 2020

Finished bird alphabet!

Last Monday, we finished our bird alphabet at @AnimalAlphabets on Twitter! As always, it was fun to discover the creations of all participants week after week. We began end of July 2019 to finish now, end of January 2020! We have been drawing birds for six months! Here is a collage with 24 birds (from A to Z without P and T). P and T are my two favourites - Puffin and Tufted Coquette - so each of them gets an extra picture. Enjoy!

Dreams in the darkness

It is dark out there and dark on my screen. I dare to dream though, I dare to hope. I see flowers, birds and fish. Everything is clean and nobody is suffering. Respect and tolerance are important, money is not. Politicians have a vision and make it happen ( without weapons, fake news, and illicit funds) . Dreams in the darkness

Windows and doors of Cordoba

Last week, I promised to write an separate post about windows and doors of Cordoba , because they are worth it. When I arrive in a historic town, I always have a special look at those elements, as they reveal something about people's lives. Forms, colours and decorations are often different everywhere.  Again, I would have liked to stay longer there, about one week at least, in order to walk through much more streets! Enjoy!

Happy New Year! Day and night in Cordoba.

Again, a happy year 2020 to you all! The worst night of the year for our dog, new year's eve, is over, I am thankful for that (but so sad about the 30 apes that had to die in a fire at Krefeld Zoo, in Germany, probably because of sky lanterns).  As I want to be an optimist, I hope that 2020 will be a creative, healthy, and peaceful year.  Before the end of the year, we spent two days in the historical centre of Cordoba (Andalusia, Spain). We haven't been there for a long time, 15 years or so, just before we moved to Spain for good, and it was a pleasure again to stroll through the narrow streets, as well during the day as during the night. Unfortunately, the centre is so crowded that some residents do not feel at home any more in their town because of the permanent noise, the many bars, the jammed streets (claims can been on different buildings, like on the last picture here). I had to get up quite early to be able to take some pictures without groups of visitors on them...