
Showing posts from February, 2021

Creating the cover of a moving book

(Bilingual post – English below) Ayer llegó el cartero y me puse a leer hasta la última página el nuevo libro “Violencia sexual” de Álvaro Botias, inspector de Policía Nacional en Málaga, cuya portada tuve el honor de crear hace algunas semanas.  El libro, que trata de un caso real, destaca la importancia de denunciar et de colectar las pruebas lo más rápido posible para que la investigación criminal tenga un final feliz (el arresto del violador). Una obra emocionante y llena de sensibilidad.  Los beneficios derivados de la vente están destinados a la Fundación Diabetes CERO . * * *  * * Yesterday, the new book “Violencia sexual” by Álvaro Botias, police inspector of the National Police in Malaga (Spain), was in the mail, and I could not stop reading until I reached the last page. I had the honour of creating the cover some weeks ago. The book, which deals with a real case, stresses the importance of reporting and collecting evidence as quickly as possible, so that the cr...

Lockdown walks in Torremolinos

Locked within our municipalities since January, we are at least allowed to walk as free as animals roaming in a safari park. But, evidently, our town does not offer as much space and as many beautiful spots as a safari park ;-) Anyway, after work, I wanted to rediscover what I thought I already knew inside out. I saw dramatic skies, charming trees and streets waiting for me in the moonlight. I could not capture the smell of earth and moss after rain. Enjoy! You can find prints of and other stuff on my website following this link . The places where the pics were taken are also mentioned there.

Water and pebbles

The worst thing that can happen is to be afraid. If you are not, you will not need human voices, but only the gentle sound of waves breaking on shore. Water and pebbles River pebbles


Unlike some decision makers who would like to close us off because the danger should come from outside, I am fleeing into nature, because the danger is lurking inside. Lagoon