Back to Lagunillas

It's been so long since we've been in Malaga's Lagunillas neighborhood (2016). Since we were invited to a book presentation in a café there yesterday, we had some time to walk around the streets before the event. 

As always, it was a shock to see how Malaga's center has become an intense tourist space. The shops were all open, the weather was nice, it looked like people were buying and eating to forget about what is going on in the world.

After navigating through the absolutely crowded center, it was a relief to be back in Lagunillas, not far from those streets where I couldn't find a space to walk and think. 

Since 2016, some houses have been demolished, others have been rehabilitated to serve as... tourist accommodations. So it will only be a matter of time before the small shops I saw yesterday ("ultramarinos", "carnicería"...) also disappear, when the owners get too old or die, and no tourist needs to buy there, because they get their food in the restaurants in the center or order it by phone. 

I did not take many pictures because it was getting dark. Here are just a few impressions:


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