Sea Life: half alphabet is done!

Last week, Animal Alphabets community was talking about the fact that challenge and community were existing for four years already. All this time, I have been learning the English name of animals that I do not even know in my mother languages - and learning how to draw them, leaving my comfort zone more than once.
Again, half of current alphabet focusing on Sea Life is finished. Here a small collage with letters A to M, and my favourite ones, Dumbo Octopus and Goblin Shark. Enjoy!
And - it is still not too late to join if you like: post every Monday at 7.30 pm GMT.


  1. Four years, gosh - at this rate you will run out of animals to draw in a couple of years' time - and then you can move onto plants!

  2. Thank you, Zsuzsa, I thought the same. I suppose one day we will have to move on and draw plants (we already had the theme "Fairy tales" with some humans as well and some monsters). Different plants would be a great challenge as well (but the group is called *Animal* Alphabets...).
    I tried to post on your blog today, but Google did not let me, so I had to use the messenger on FB...

  3. It could be called Plant Phonemes LOL!


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